Combinatorial Game Theory (and mini Minimax)

Solved Games. A lot of games like tic-tac-toe, Connect 4, Shogi, and chess are (in the case of chess, unfortunately) described as solved. Combinatorial games are two-player games in which players take turns, and there is perfect information, i.e. both players know the same information, which includes possible states after... Continue reading...

Continued Fractions and Radicals

I'll probably keep this one short. Sorry if it's not too thorough. Here’s an expression: \[a_0 + \frac{1}{ a_1 + \frac{1}{ a_2 + ... } }\] where each \(a_i \in \mathbb{Z}\). This continued fraction occasionally shows up in problems and holds some interesting properties regarding radical expressions. Rationals as Continued... Continue reading...

Turing Completeness and Turing Machines

Turing completeness and turing machines serve as models for computational systems’ behavior and structure. This article contains a brief history and description of the two. Entscheidungsproblem As for some context, a formal language is a set with certain elements (letters of an alphabet) and rules specific to the element that... Continue reading...