Photos From the Lower East Side, 2018

Mini-Story by Hana Julia has a Nikon camera from 2008 that she showed to me when I was in middle school. She had said it awful and no better at photo-taking than an iPhone, but my 12-year-old self thought that that little black box with buttons and settings that I... Continue reading...

Complex Numbers - Gaussian Integers, Gaussian Primes

Intro to Complex Numbers in problems, and applied Gaussian Integers. Background/Definitions The set of complex numbers \(\mathbb{C}[i]\) consists of all expressions \(\text{a} + \text{b}i\) where \(\text{a, b}\) are real numbers and \(i\) is the imaginary unit. Every complex number \(z = \text{a} + \text{b}i\) can be mapped to point \((\text{a},... Continue reading...

Basic Javascript Guide

This article aims to provide a basic guide to JavaScript’s functionality and syntax. JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented language that is used to create more complex functionalities for websites, such as including graphics/animations and interactive elements. It differs from languages like Python and Java in that it is prototype-based, as... Continue reading...