Art/Writing Inspiration Prompts #1

Hey! Cover art is Julia’s! This is Hana speaking though. Random sentences really help me start a piece. For anyone who feels the same, here are a few random phrases to inspire. :) Sentences/Settings She saw from her car window the light refracting in the river’s waves. A boy was... Continue reading...

Iceland, 2019

Hey! I went to Iceland over spring break when I was 15. I had (and still have) an iPhone 6s, so I hope you can bear the awful quality (I guess it’s my thing now). Enjoy my favorites! Continue reading...

Basic Markdown Guide

Here’s everything you’ll ever need to know about markdown. Sections may have display followed by code. Headers, Lists, Font Styles <!-- more hash tags = smaller heading --> # H1 ## H2 ### H3 #### H4 ##### H5 ###### H6 <!-- lists --> 1. ordered 2. lists - unordered -... Continue reading...